Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good Morning 2010! My, How You've Changed!

Every year since 2000, New Year's has been a source of anxiety for me.... what will it be like? How will the world change? How will I change? What will be said of me? How will I respond? Etc. However, when in the year 2000 came, I began my 2nd semester of my 9th grade year, had my first crush on a senior (who is still an absolute amazing guy), went to my first homecoming dance, flew on a plane for the first time, got my driver's license and became a Believer in Christ. How was I to know that one year could hold so much? I am expecting only more this year because my life has changed so much over the past decade (holy cow... 10 years ago I was in my first year in high school), I graduated high school and college, moved away to go to college, moved away from college, got into my career as a teacher, traveled to Europe and Africa (and even to the Middle East unexpectedly), went to 3 Proms, lived in a city that no one could have ever imagined I would live in, and now I spend most of my life pouring it back into 13 and 14 year olds just like I was 10 years ago and I love it.

I can only believe that 2010 will be amazing. I mean really, it started out by Delta giving me a 1st class seat because I've flown so much recently. My resolutions for the new year seem to be carried over from recent years... some being met, some not so much... However here goes...
1. Speak out for those who have no voice in my classroom, to my friends, to people who want to help.
2. Share my beliefs and my God with someone who has no beliefs and no hope.
3. Be hope and light and encouragement to at least 20 people, even with a simple smile, a simple handshake or a meal.
4. Be a good listener... realize that the world doesn't have to stop and listen to everything I say... but sometimes someone else needs me to listen.
5. Laugh... and laugh and laugh and laugh until I cry.
6. Be available and usable where I am found, where I live, where I am.
7. Complain less... and be positive more.
8. Love the unlovable and the unwanted and the hurt.
9. Travel somewhere else, somewhere uncomfortable, but somewhere that God wants me.
10. Be the change I wish to see in the world. I'm not giving up on this one and I thought that Gandhi had no idea what he was saying when he said this but maybe he did.

Happy 2010 to you and may you work hard to make a difference in the coming year!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I read it and think, "Wow, just ten years ago, she was exactly where I am." You're amazing! And I'm sure you'll find plenty of times to laugh til you cry! Happy 2010! :)
