Monday, December 28, 2009

Do Not Forget...

(This is from a couple of months ago) I was looking through Micah's pictures from Africa today looking for sunset pictures and I was just thinking about how grateful being in Africa made me. I have come back to the U.S. for 4 months now and it seems that I so quickly forget the lessons learned so this serves as a reminder to me as well as to you of some of the things that I learned in Africa that I cannot allow myself to forget.

Do Not Forget...
...that sunsets are not created because of smog, pollution, and global warming... God created it...

...that schools have resources even if they just have enough teachers for each class to have only 40 students...

...that life it too short to miss small smiles...

...that life is too short to even think I could make it a moment without prayer...

...that hospitals hold too many hurting, need healing people who also just need a friend...

...that races must be ran and won...

...that there are some classrooms in the world who have 70 kids and they do not get paid and they still smile...

...that people are people... they hurt, heal, cry, smile, frown... and they need other people... just like we do...

...that children have been created to be loved not to love... they need someone to hold their hand, pick up their stuff, and sometimes pick them up and hug them...

...sometimes we just need someone to play with our hair and not look at it in the mirror...

...a smile goes a million miles and a pictures is a thousand words and sometimes those words need to be heard... is important to say what you need to say even if you know it's going to be awkward or just not right... it needs to be said... say it.

Never forget how important and valuable life and how quickly it could be gone. Love those you have been given and smile at those who need it and give a dollar to the lady who asks for it... because it could have been you and somehow it's not.

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