Monday, June 15, 2009


This past weekend was little wild to say the least. I was a little, let's say, not myself. I got very sick on Friday night-- no fun, scared Rae, my roommate, and then didn't do much because I was a little afraid to eat... not really ready to sleep and I am on the worst possible schedule ever. Maybe I should have considered teaching in a year round school, but probably not. I have never used WebMD so much in my life and read so much about health and symptoms and treatment and on and on and on. The never ending story. Unfortunately, even though my body felt very unlike me, it was more stress causing all other kinds of aches and pains than anything... Last year, the shingles, this year a little panic attack. Stress doesn't like me in the months of May and June, for very obvious reasons.

I may or may not have been stressed because of the following:
1. Leaving
2. Moving
3. Money
4. All of the above

It just becomes a bit too much, but in the process God always reminds me of His faithfulness. And in His faithfulness, He always grants peace... so much and I am so thankful. He provided a way for my money, time for me to pack to move, a house to move into, confirmation from His Word that there is no doubt in my mind that He wants me in Africa this summer, and sleep. I even was able to eat a normal meal today which was amazing. So it's working out like it always does but in my very narrow, hollow, small mind, I like to pretend that God is not who He says He is and He doesn't do what He says He can do. I know in the absolute depths of my heart how untrue that is and I choose to believe Him, not just believing in Him, like Beth always talks about, but actually believing. He is who He says He is and He will do what He says He can do... and in essence that only leaves one emotion for me to feel or sense or breathe or believe... peace.

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