Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Africa... here in Vegas?

So I leave for Africa in 13 days... I am moving to a house sometime within the next 13 days and my life will be a little wild. I also am "borrowing" internet from a neighbor and am not even sure that I will get it at all at my new place until after I am back. Since I am on summer break, I have some extra time, so I am doing some other things like getting shots for Africa, getting malaria medicine, getting a haircut, packing, moving, blah, blah, blah. However, I could possibly see or do one of the most important things before I leave tomorrow. Las Vegas is one of 10 cities in the U.S. that currently accepts refugees from other countries. A refugee, my geography students should know, is a person who has been displaced or fled from their country because of war, persecution, the economy, etc. Right now, there are refugees from all sorts of places fleeing to the U.S. from very harsh refugee camps in other countries where they are mistreated and can be left there for up to 30 years, which is insane. One continent that they are coming from in large quantities right now is Africa. If you watch the news or read it on the internet, you know that war is consistently going on in the region of Darfur, in the country of Sudan, and that war from Uganda (where children were having horrible things happen to them) has spread into a very large country in central Africa called the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you also remember within the last 20 years, war has taken place in the countries of Rwanda, child soldiers in Sierra Leone and several west African countries, and even racial separation (otherwise known as the Apartheid) in South Africa. The continent of Africa has seen it all. So with that, people from those countries who have been in refugee camps are now being sent to a few countries in the world, one being the U.S. and a few cities, one being Vegas. So tomorrow I am going with a group of people who have been working with these refugees to see what it's all about. I'm not sure what to expect, but I know that I will get a little taste of sweet Africa with them. They don't know how to wash clothes, how to store food, and they have little or no furniture and other items that we take for granted. Be prepared... I'm sure that after that experience, I will learn a few things that I will be sure to share with you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in Africa! I'll miss e-mailing you 'everyday'! Be safe Miss!
