Monday, September 8, 2014

My eagerly awaited Life Decisions (x2)... They're probably not what you think.

About a week ago, I posted on Facebook that I had made two big life decisions that I was pretty excited about. {Pause-rant. I do not apologize at all for this one because I'm annoyed enough to say some pretty intensely rude things here.}

One of the life decisions was not that I'm getting married at the moment. I will get to the life decisions in a minute. One day? Yes. Is there someone at the moment? No.... and really, is it any of your business? Possibly not, depending on who you are. I guess we all get to decide what we share and what we don't share. And while we're on this topic, let me say something and I absolutely mean this. Please consider before you say anything or ask when I'm getting married or why I'm not married. I realize that not everyone means to be offensive but most of the time, it is not taken the way you mean it, so please stop asking. Telling me that I'm such a great girl and you can't believe I'm not married does NOT encourage me. When I know when I'm getting married, you will know. When I know who I'm marrying, you will know. So please (as I told one of my kids today), open up your purse/wallet and get a chill pill and take it. For Heaven's sake, I have to chill out about it and, quite frankly, I'm ready for you to do the same. I'm insecure enough on my own without a million questions being asked about something I'm already super insecure about. I know I'm not the only single girl that feels this pain so PLEASE RECONSIDER BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING. 

Now, with that being said, the great news is that I have successfully made two big decisions in the last couple of weeks that I'm pretty excited about. Back to the positive attention and news. 

1. I am quitting stress. If whatever you're saying or doing is unnecessary and causing me extra thinking over nothing, do not think twice about me bowing out of the conversation or excusing myself. I am choosing not to listen to this. I know that sounds insane. How do you quit something that you're addicted to? Well, it will be a process, but I have to move in that direction. No reason really for anyone to be stressed all the time and I'm so over it. So I'm quitting. There, I said it, more publicly than before. I'm quitting my addiction to stress.

2. I have decided to be an independent consultant with a small company named Jamberry. It's a nail wrap company that allows me to get extra income, while throwing parties for people who love pretty, fancy nails. I'm just starting and am looking to throw parties for family and friends, who don't just want to support me, but also want to try the nail wraps. I was super excited when I first tried them back in June and have gotten lots of compliments on them. After hosting a party on Facebook in August, I decided that I, too, wanted to sell the nail wraps (and the lacquers and the application fun stuff) in order to help pay off student loans in a faster way, as well as pay for travel and getting to do some extra stuff that I sometimes don't do. My lead has been very supportive and loves Jesus and Africa so I feel like we will continue to get along well and she has been EXTREMELY helpful in so many little things.

I'm thrilled to be doing things I love with less stress and more encouragement and support for myself. If I have learned anything in the last year, it's that I have to take care of myself and both of these things are not selfish but they do help me stay healthy (in general-stress causes my physical body ridiculous amounts of sickness) and they help me accomplish goals I have set, while also getting to be who I am and getting to do what I love.

For those of you who are always supportive and encouraging, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I absolutely love and adore many of you and am grateful for the time I get to spend with you and the way you care for me and about me. I know so many people who put others ahead of themselves and I'm just thankful that sometimes that person is me who gets to be thought of. If you have a specific question about anything here, please just message me on Facebook or contact me. I look forward to sharing more about this in the coming months!

Love, Melis

By the way, this is my web site if you want to look at the nail wraps :)
Melissa's Jamberry Nails Site

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