4:45 am-- Wake up, eat breakfast, shower, get ready.
6:10 am-- (WHO AM I ANYMORE.) Leave home and drive to Starbucks.
6:25 am-- Arrive at Starbucks. NO ONE IS THERE. YES TO LOVE AND YES TO LIFE ON THIS BLESSED OCCASION. Stand in what line for less than 2 seconds that I noticed and ordered my Venti Iced Chai with 8 pumps of chai because, hey, ya girl don't play. If this is a chai, it will be a chai and I will not accept chai flavored milk.
6:30 am- Talk to the barista about how this is the longest week of everyone's lives. EVER. Say have a great day to the older gentleman who sits outside every morning drinking his coffee and has an accent. I've never noticed he wears a baseball cap that says he's a veteran, but he is forever saying, "Have a great day, sweetheart, honey, etc." I like him. Leave Starbucks for school. Download a song to play on repeat, the entire way to school.
7:00 am-- Arrive at school. Wonder how in the world people get there that early every day. I cry a little bit on the inside. It's too early and I've already been awake for at least 2 hours and it feels like 10.
7:02 am-- Begin running around the school like a maniac because today is a fundraiser kickoff, and it's a Mentorship schedule day, and we have a UNLV presentation, and the fundraiser parent letter isn't printed or copied or counted or distributed. Did I potentially lose 4 class rosters for sign out? Yes, yes, I did, including mine so at least I wasn't biased. Open the Memo I created and yell at the computer because the blue logo should be blue but it's black and yellow. You know what it is. I freak out in the silence of my room, and no one has a clue. Whew.
7:10 am-- Go to the office. Where is the parent letter? Is the computer on? Was it already printed? No one knows. No and for the final word, no.
7:50 am-- Give up all hope for those parent letters to be given to teachers before 1st period because really, who needs them? Oh, wait, every kid in the school.
8:00 am-- Leadership begins. Pledge. Moment of silence. Video announcement group is going. Posters are being painted. Leadership one-on-ones for quarter reflections. Strong willed girl. Tears. She goes to the bathroom. 2nd one-on-one.... tears. Two different girls. Copies of parent letter delivered at 8:35 am. I am now literally crying inside myself because you never plan to talk to a student about their leadership goals and them cry but then I am an optimist (lies.) and never think that students will cry. And they do. They always do. Something about that chair next to my desk, when no one sees their face. Insert real tears flowing down faces of innocent sweethearts. Insert broken heart from the one sitting behind the desk. Aye-- their lives are so incredibly hard. I need to pray for them more. Girl who goes to the bathroom doesn't come back. I freak out. Oh wait, it's 8:40am now. The last 8 minutes were a blur. Girl is in the office. Okay, good.
8:48 am-- I think I've been at school for 2 days, instead of 2 hours. Mentorship kids come in. Distribute fundraising cards. I'll sell my card for $30 and I'll sell my card for $40 and I'm saying the cards are $20, what do we not understand about this really? Sell the cards for $20. Take them to the cafeteria for the fastest college presentation I've ever known of EVER. Congrats to that presenter. I go to help a class with a sub distribute fundraiser cards. That was weird and funny and those kids were mostly mine.
9:32 am-- Finally a freedom beyond belief. Prep time. Nope, admin meeting time. What are we doing. That lasted my whole freedom period so there's that.
10:16 am-- So begins 3rd period and US History and kids who are ALREADY taking words out of my mouth. "Put your backpacks on the floor and your cell phones away." Who are they. You can't do that in week 4. You have to wait until at least week 5. Too soon my friends. Too soon.
11:16 am-- Lunch. I have a whole 25 minutes, which is a beloved miracle. The sub asked if he can have some of my hummus to eat with his pizza. Sure? Can I really say no to that and then eat it in front of you since I have the whole container? "How old are you?" 29. "Oh, I thought so. I'm almost 29." Do I bellow laughter now or later. I don't know. "You seem very professional." Yes, this is my job. (You know I said that directly to him out loud.) I don't know what that means so that was interesting.
11:52 am-- Both bells have rang and I have 5 kids and I really have one absent student. The music is so loud in the cafeteria that no one hears the bell. Everyone else in the building is trying to drown out their craze too. You know what. Do what needs to be done. Finally, all of my kids arrive. They are screaming. They are seniors. They won't sit down, they act like they're at the mall and I'm wondering how in the world I became so relaxed. How did I lose OCD psychopathic tendencies? So that bought them a little bit of time while I figured out my life. When we begin, I tell them that everyone needs to take a deep breath in and I forgot to tell them to release that so you know those drama queens are sitting there like, "I always do what the teacher says." No words. Ummm, hello, release your breath please. Now can I just hear some good news. They share. They were actually really good-- good news sharers. I was impressed. So goes the rest of the day. It was a little chaotic and a little hectic and I'm a whole lot of tired and been awake too long.

Oh yeah and some toast because sometimes... ya girl needs a piece of toast.
I'm sure today has been hectic for you too. You are not alone. Eat some toast. -Melis
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