Stop with the under your breath talk about it. Stop with your booing and hissing and dirty looks and all. Let's move on.
I've decided that a match made in Heaven is obviously Jesus over depression but I've also decided that He gives us a lot of things to be thankful for too. I'm all about gratitude. I'm all about telling people how thankful we are for them. I'm all for making people's days. And you know what else I'm all about? Having my day made when it sucks. And sometimes it does. Sometimes we have bad life hours, bad life days, bad life weeks, and bad life months and years. I agree with whoever said that laughter was the best medicine. It is one of the very best and loving Jesus is right there too. Those are the best but in the process of loving Jesus in the middle of an on-again, off-again relationship with depression, I've had some down right day makers. Daymaker giving away their whole life things. That's the good stuff. That's the stuff I want to cover up my life disasters. I want those things to think about and dream about and live about and BE about.

Here's what else I know... I want a daymaker desperately sometimes. And so do other people. So I'm challenging myself this week to make people's days. I don't know what I'll do every day but I do know what made this start. Here's a few things that have made my days over the last week or so...
1. Friday night, I sent an e-mail to a co-worker thanking him for all his help last week preparing for the assembly. When you say thank you, you don't expect anything in return. There's no reason for you're welcome really but sometimes people say it and sometimes they really mean it and you're really grateful that they're really grateful and it starts this awesome day making game. So I get this funny e-mail back this morning saying thank you for the thank you and to let him know if I need any help for anything. That wasn't required AT ALL. No gift was necessary. Appreciated? Yes. So normally when people send e-mails, it's this underlying notion that no one has to actually verbally say anything... but sometimes people do. And I appreciate that too. A face to face conversation. So he comes to my room during my prep and says something like, "I didn't know what to write in that e-mail... I really wanted to write 'I'm speechless' but didn't want that to be taken the wrong way." Excuse me, you're talking to the girl who culturally offends people in other countries while they're in line for their dinner... there are very few things that I'm so easily offended by. He said people rarely say thank you. NO KIDDING. So when people do, no one knows what to say because they're so taken back by what you did say. #truthteller He was, quite frankly, shocked for someone saying thank you for just doing what he needed to do. Between me and whoever reads this, sometimes people just need a day maker. I got to make his day and he made mine by talking face to face with me about it all. Let's make days of people who make ours too... did you follow that?
2. My heart. My kids. They are CRAZY. Today, I jokingly asked my 4th period who was paying them at lunch to act like they don't know what was going on. One kid said he was paying everyone well. I told him it was apparently working and he had good employees. I heard from one of my boys-- little brothers-- today too... DAY MADE. I love knowing what's going on (because I'm nosey and ask a million questions) and I love they check in every once in a while. True family. Maker of days. and days. and days.
3. Teri. You could say my home away from home. Or my mom away from mom. My mom is sure thankful for her. Last Tuesday, she was sitting at Starbucks and invited me over for an hour or so. I love her heart that follows Jesus and is obedient to Him. I love her determination and the way she sticks up for people. She has been known more than once to convince me to meet up with her even when I am having a bad life-life. When I arrive, inevitably, a Starbucks chai (my favorite in case you didn't know) is there already for me to drink out of. She even has the straw in place! One day (a couple of weeks ago), I came home to a book I had wanted outside my door with a ribbon on it that said, "Happy Birthday Quarter!" It's the little things she does... and checking on me when she thinks there's something wrong. She is an all the time day maker. I want to be an all the time day maker!
4. My boss is awesome. I would work for him any day of the week in any school in any place. As I was walking out last week taking a deep breath, I had stopped to ask him something totally unrelated to anything he was discussing. So interesting that I can't even remember what it is... oh yeah-- water for the assembly since it was outside and a million degrees the following day. He made sure to look me straight in the face and give this word hoarder of a girl (aka me) some words of affirmation that I needed. I don't know how he knew I needed them but I did. He said he was glad I was there, working for him. I'm SO thankful, overwhelmingly thankful that people see when days need to be made and they just make them.
5. Jamberry is going well. I'm constantly encouraged by my team and thankful for the ladies that invest in the business but also invest in others. I'm also super excited that I have a consultant that's now on my team, a sweet, Godly young woman who is with me on this! Hoping for a few more too :) But until then, I have a highly successful, very fun party going on at the moment. Makes my morning, day, night, not just because of money but because making other peoples' days make mine! I don't know how much more I can emphasize that!
Those five things... defeat my depression. They have a love/hate relationship. Depression doesn't like daymakers but daymakers can't stand depression. But I think they need to compromise or the daymakers need to take over. It is the grace of God and the love and compassion of my Savior who places people in my life that speak Truth and aren't afraid to speak up. People who aren't afraid to make days for other people and not just themselves.
Take this challenge with me! Let's make someone's day... in the small things. Buying them an ice cream or telling them you love that color on them. Speak up for them. Speak up to them and say something that will... World changers are day makers. I want to see a changed world, even if it's just small and around me so I want to make days. You in? I'm assuming you just answered yes out loud to the computer screen. Okay, maybe that was just me. Regardless. I'm daymaking.
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