"Standing still isn't easy when the world's moving backwards." -Ben Rector
This song was written way before nominees for the presidential candidate were chosen. I'm not sure it really had anything to do with a specific topic except maybe a bit of frustration from the song writer. I think we can glean some Truth from it though.
Adam and Eve and the Fall placed sin on humanity for all time. Notice that humanity is not human, speaking of a certain person, or human groups, a specific group of people. It meant we all sinned... Born with sin in us. We may have the intention to do what's right but at the core of who we are as humans, we are not good. That's why the Bible states we "battle with our flesh." We talked about in my small group last night how sin shows up differently in each of us. My life wasn't a portrait of parties and alcohol addiction but it showed up in my worry and anxiety, in my struggle to keep my thought life clean, and in my daily battle of not trusting God. Sin is sin though. Our sins may reap different consequences based on our society and culture and government but at the end of the day, I am in desperate need of the same grace extended to a murderer.
I think the artist of this song was talking about the human condition. Aka sin. The world continues to sin, that hasn't changed. There is still a desire to do good in some, that hasn't changed. We all don't deserve grace but it has been given freely to us.
We can't stand still as Christians in a world of sin. "The world is moving backwards" so to say as it has been since the Fall. Man will not correct this behavior but Jesus will in grace and redemption. May we be reminded that our hope is in a man not of this world. Thank you Jesus that I don't have to trust either candidate for grace. It has been extended to me freely. I'm grateful. I must stop standing still.
Will you join me?? -Melissa
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