Sunday, February 23, 2014

The admiration of a mystery.

We live in a world that tells everything. Everyone knows everything about everyone.

If you want, you can figure out what someone has eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; what they've worn; the sunset on their way home; the license plate number of the person in front of them; the funniest things their kids said; etc. You get the point. You don't have to see the person face to face or even carry on a conversation through a text to figure out what has actually happened. So you will see why it is extremely rare that we don't know everything about a person.

I think a mystery and a good secret is something to be admired. (I'm not talking about things that are secrets because they're bad-- I'm just talking about something that not everyone knows.) That's why the whole world was shocked (okay, not the entire world, but the Bachelor world was) that Sharleen went home last week. Oh. She went home by choice. Juan Pablo didn't send her home.

Here's the thing: not everyone knew everything about her. And in other shocking news, she was smart. She was not some stupid girl "looking for love" while all of national TV watchers share in her excitement and sadness. Yes, she was looking for love but she realized she wanted something more than a person who is just physically attracted to her. Or a person who could only say "Wow" about her. I mean maybe if the wow was for her brains, her beauty and her in general-- it would have worked but the wow existed for only her physical beauty. And she wasn't an idiot. She knew the ENTIRE time and YET, she stuck it out for some time without wearing her entire heart on her sleeve. She left and Juan Pablo didn't know everything in the world about her.

I admire that. I admire her thoughtfulness and the fact that she left mystery there. Often, we are told to "Be ourselves" and there's nothing wrong with that. I absolutely admire people who are themselves without being insecure. (I am terrible at this 50% of the time.) We should be us through and through. I think that Sharleen is pensive and intelligent and beautiful regardless of whether she's on national TV or not. She did not change because of a reality show. Isn't it somewhat ironic? That most people are someone else on reality shows? That they forget who they really are and become something that reality TV begs them to be?

There must be a mystery left to bare. After thinking and reading about love a good bit of today, I am at my end to believe that it is not purposed that we wear our hearts on our sleeves and everyone knows everything. And you know what?? For some people, it is your thing for everyone to know everything. But do not be offended by those of us who tend to be less inclined to tell all. We are not meaning to be offensive. We are probably more insecure but I think everyone enjoys a great mystery.

I mean, isn't that what we love about Pride and Prejudice? If you knew Lizzie and Darcy should be together the whole time, you wouldn't watch the movie. It makes no sense. Except the mystery. Then it does make some sense. And you too want them to be together.

So I encourage you-- surprise someone this week. Share a mystery if you must or keep a secret to be revealed at the best time. Be sensitive. There will be moments when this will all make sense.

And yes, this was mostly written to myself. Just in a public forum. There was your surprise. (Wink, wink. And don't worry-- I'm continuing to live somewhere in the middle or I wouldn't be writing this blog to myself. Okay-- most of the time. Believe me-- most of the time, you don't want to know what's going on in my messy head.)

Love you-Melis :)

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