Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why I'm becoming a pushover for #vday14.

It's valentine's day week and just slightly so. My kids are super excited and I actually don't want to set the world on fire over it so I guess that's some sort of progress this year. Notice the word "some." Just want to make that clear. I've already made plans with some of my favorite sweet girls from church to dress up, get out of the house and go hang out somewhere and "pretend like we don't care, even though we do." Ha. #overdramatic I know but what else did you expect? That will be my motto anyways. Don't tell them that. I want them to have a healthy view of life and sometimes I don't promote that. Ha. 

So I just wanted to share some of my favorite things about love aka why I'm actually super emotional and mushy about love in general... Mostly quirky things that are totally me but maybe you'll think of your own. And maybe you too can finally admit that you do or think the same things. You're welcome for the freedom you are about to gain from this list. 

1. Love songs. Shut up and serenade me already. No really. I adore love songs, the ridiculous lyrics, the couple singing together. I mean let's jump on a boat and go out to the middle of a lake to release paper lanterns with the whole kingdom, shall we? 

2. Romantic comedies.... I've recently decided that I will write one. Sort of kidding but sort of not. Tell me one romantic comedy that doesn't have the happiest ending ever. Tell me. See// none. They have sad beginnings but happy endings. I'm going to do my best to be so unrealistic that we will finally let go of the denial in our lives that is our own reality. Happy beginnings and happy endings? Yes to both. 

3. Disney movies. I mean even animals fall in love on these things. How is that so? The way I feel about love can be summed up in the scene from "Tangled" below. 
Mixed emotions everyday. Does he like me? Oh no he likes me! This is the best feeling ever! Will he rip out my heart? (Okay, not literally, everyone calm down.) You get the point. 

4. Wedding pins on Pinterest. Who created that category? It will potentially be an anxiety attack for me at some point but for now, I am planning a wedding for me and about a hundred other million people according to my boards. Let me know if you need some ideas, I have just a few I'm willing to give for free. 

5. Ice cream, dinner and cheesecake. And in that order please. Food just makes me ridiculously happy and makes me happy to be around people. And yes, I'm willing to sacrifice a salad for a piece of S'mores cheesecake, at no extra cost to you. You're welcome for that too. 

6. Sweet surprises. Maybe flowers are some of my favorites because you never know they're coming. One of my kids brought me flowers for my birthday and I just adore them because of it. I'm a spoiled brat (as mentioned in multiple previous posts) and I know I'll get a few notes and sweet words from my kids who are learning so much and most importantly, learning how to treat people well. Also, in college, I had a valentine one year and he sent me flowers and I made them live in water as long as humanly possible because I admired the gesture so much. Again, it's the little things. 

7. Pride and Prejudice. The movie. After we release paper lanterns with the kingdom, please meet me in the middle of a field while the sun rises. And then tell me what an incredible idiot you've been and how wrong you were and how much you actually do adore me. Yeah. That pretty much sums it up. After that, I'll make my own confessions or just listen. I haven't quite decided yet. But really, I don't know a girl who doesn't want a Mr. Darcy or Mr. Bingley yet so I'm sticking to my opinions on this. 

So all that to say. Yes, I'm still wearing a black dress for Valentines night out but that's because I have so many and I like it. But it's not because I'm upset or am mourning the whole month :) also- if you're going to be rude about how ridiculous this post is, please write it on an actual piece of paper and then throw it away. I'm in complete confession mode on how absolutely ridiculous I am so there. 

May you too find something you love or find totally ridiculous about #vday14! 

Love, love, love- Melis :) 

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