Saturday, February 8, 2014

What my Daddy taught me about love.

Growing up, my sister and I literally lived childhood dreams. We didn't have every toy or piece of clothing we wanted but we had a lot/too much and my dad and both grandfathers made sure we were spoiled little girls. Way way spoiled little girls. Like I'm not sure that Trista and I ever walked long distances ourselves- pretty sure Daddy carried our bratty butts 90% of the time. 

As a kid, you don't think about much that your parents teach you but when you start working with kids and become somewhat of a mom- you start thinking about all of that stuff and then you start sharing all that stuff and all the love that you always took for granted. During my 3rd year of teaching, I realized how much of what my parents taught me really shaped who I was and what I was passing on to the 200 kids that sat with me for an hour each day. This year, I turn 30 and maybe I'm finally becoming a little more sentimental (like my dad). So These are some things my dad taught me about love in the process of my childhood, teen years, and even as an adult... 

1. Love is protection. When you truly love someone, you care enough to guard and protect them. Love provides too. Exactly what is needed. I can't even count the multiple times my sister and I set off our house alarm in high school when we would stay home in the summer. 

2. Love risks. Sometimes too much. Sometimes not enough. Sometimes it fails and falls apart. Sometimes it surprises us and becomes better than what we would have hoped. My parents were young when they joined the parenthood journey but they learned and reflected and changed and became better and still always pursue being better as parents of adults and leaders to teenagers. 

3. Love means putting someone else before yourself. You go without something because you so love someone that you want them to have something instead. It always sacrifices. Time. Money. Traveling. Time, time and more time. 

4. Love means being unbiased to who you get to love. Sometimes people and situations are placed in our lives and we didn't expect them to be so loveable but they are. They needed us at the very moment we were there. My dad has the sweetest, softest hear that he learned from his dad on generosity. No bias- you get to love those who can give you something in return and those who can't. Especially those who can't. 

5. Love forgives and gets over stuff. My dad wrote this card a couple of months ago to me that said something like-- let stuff go and don't hold things against people. This is so hard for me but I realize it is the only way I can really love well in the long run and then I imagine that someone always held things against me?? I wouldn't be so lovable myself. 

My Daddy still thinks that I'm 5 and you know, I was Miss Independent then, I was stubborn then, and I was quite "sassy" as they would call me so I guess not much has actually changed. 

I can honestly say that I'm grateful God gave me him for a Daddy and I hope one day when I get married to have a man that treats me with the utmost respect, loves sacrificially and is willing to take risks.... Just like the man my Mom married- my Daddy. I also pray for a man who loves kids, just like my Daddy. 

So on that note-- happy Valentines week to you and may someone who has loved you well carry on their legacy in you. 

Love, Melis

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