Thursday, January 2, 2014

Out with the old, in with the new!

Here's to a new year full of change and newness. I was trying to figure out the best way to compile the good and bad of the last 12 months and have narrowed them down to the following. A list would be the only appropriate way to share.  

1. Quitting my job: I never imagined I would leave Mack. I had pretty much assumed that I would teach there for the entirety of my teaching career in Vegas. But that didn't happen and I was extremely anxious about what felt like starting over. 

2. Changing schools: Who knew it would be the best decision for me!!?? (Well apparently there were a lot more people than I thought.) I love my kids and am grateful to be able to actually teach, have students who are interested and spending a lot of time actually caring about kids who reciprocate the feeling. One told me that he had never had a teacher who treated him like he was a human being before. I felt honored to be the one but embarrassed that he's a senior and has thought that of so few people in his life. 

3. Kids in DC: One of my life dreams is to take kids I know from school with me to Africa. Planning the DC trip with Katie and Sara helped me realize that it is possible to take groups of students to brand new places and have them be aware of places before they leave. It was also proof that students could walk for 10 miles without complaining. 

4. Sister's wedding: There's so much excitement when people you love have dreams come true-- that was Trista's wedding for me. It was beautiful. I sang at the wedding, which has become a rare occasion for me, and enjoyed being a bridesmaid with my crazy cousin and friend from high school. I love Trista and am grateful to be a part of her big day.

5. Said yes to Africa again for 2014: I stood on the beaches of Southern California and laughed and dreamed with girls for Africa. I'm thrilled to know that I'll be taking a few of those students across the world in July of this year to play with kids, sing and dance, and continue to say YES to what God is leading me to. 

6. Said yes to student ministry: After being out of student ministry in a church building for almost 4 years, I jumped back in to a small group of senior girls who were feisty, funny and loved Jesus. 

7. Been as tired as ever: Kristi finally looked at me a couple of months ago and did not hesitate to tell me I needed to stop doing something and I needed to figure out what that was. So I'm doing that. Currently. 

8. Completed the most exhausting internship on the planet: It is literally beyond me how people student teach and work a full time job. They should be paid double time. After surviving, like barely not drowning for a whole semester, I am thankful to say that 200 hours, on top of a full time job, a personal life and being super involved at church, is completed. 

9. Refresher Girls' Event: I am grateful to say that 150 girls and leaders were changed by the Gospel of love and restoration at the beginning of November. I served with some of the most incredible women on the planet and I was grateful to lead this event. 

10. The realization of the clear voice inside of me that's effective when it comes out: I was told by one of my students that for the first week of school, I turned red everytime I talked to them. Speaking in front of people scares me to no end but I've realized that once I open my mouth, it works. I can do it and do it well. At the Refresher women's event and at Refuge, I've been given multiple times to share tidbits of what God is changing and refining in me. The realization that I'm not alone in 90% of those emotions has been a propeller for me to say yes to this more. 

11. Completion of my Master's degree: finally!! After only a year and a half, I have completed my Master's Degree in Education specializing in Administrative Leadership. Basically, I can be an assistant principal or principal one day. If that's not scary, I don't know what is. 

12. I Belong: It was the last series Hope had for 2013 but it is at very least, an adequate description of the last year of my life. I am now in a small group of women who encourage me and share honestly and genuinely. I am a small part of an upcoming church plant of people who are in similar life stages and seasons and make me feel like I am missed even if they know I'm running late. I love both of these groups, as well as the multiple people I have reconnected to and those who spend their lives sharing with others, like me. 

2013 was a somewhat semi-lonely and hard year but it was also a fulfilling and overwhelming year and I'm looking forward to a fabulous 2014 with sweet changes and big dreams!! What are you dreaming of this year?? Love you all and grateful for your prayers, encouragement and thoughts to get me here! 

#bringiton2014 -Melis

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