When I was at home, my dad was telling a story of a teacher my sister had growing up. She has since retired but has started going to the same church as my parents. A couple of weeks ago, the pastor preached a sermon about why people only tell others about their problems and how to pray, rather than rejoicing later on. People are not as willing to share their joys as they are their aches, complaints, and grumbles. How true!! We are such moaners. We forget to even say thank you for grace because we are self-self-self!
I found myself that way tonight after figuring out that for the rest of this school year, my admin will be observing a lot. It's not bad they're doing that. I'm glad they are but it makes me a nervous wreck, on the verge of a panic attack, can I sit down and take my attendance person. That girl is just not too much fun. Really. Anyways-- back to my original story. After the pastor shared that story, the teacher came forward and told the story again of how she was healed by God of cancer. Completely healed. Everytime she went to the doctor, the places were smaller and there was literally no other explanation, except God. Science had done nothing. After she recounted the story quickly, she exclaimed, "I know I share this all the time, but I just can't get over it!"
Oh to walk with such gratitude. To look at my life with the same heart and mind. That story gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes because of the gratefulness of this woman. How quick I am to complain and grumble, yet I miss sharing the astounding Jesus moments that are truly worth sharing. Another New Years commitment-- complain less. I'm realistically not going to wipe it out of me but as I center on Jesus, I can easily find myself more grateful for grace and find less time to gripe. May I be found there. -M
"Christ dazzles me and stirs me with such feelings of amazement that I can never get over Him." -AW Tozer
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