Valentine's Day greets me with very funny dreams of love and then I wake up to reality. The fact that I have only spent one Valentine's Day with 'someone.' One day during my entire life. I avoided high school Valentine's Days and only had one college one and since then, I have been Valentine's Dateless/dayless... if that's even possible. So today I woke up feeling sorry for myself and picked up the girls and we went to church. I mean at least I have someone to spend it with. right? So we went to church (me still feeling sorry for myself of course) and I sit down. They are singing some of my favorite songs and I am enjoying myself.... then I'm watching this couple in front of me that make me want to... how do I say this? Throw up? Vomit? Yell in the middle of service "Get a room?" All of those things seemed like good options to me and the girls as well. So in comes a good looking man and where does he sit? Oh a few seats down from me... how do I feel then? Pleased of course and you will be pleased to know that I DID pay attention for the rest of the service.... and I was also pleased that he participated and didn't seem like an awkward twenty-something like almost every other boy in that church. So anyways... God laughed at me and I know he had this very good looking single man sit next to me so he could laugh. Thanks for reminding me God...that you are faithful! (and) You do like to make me laugh too!
Laughing still... Melis
Ha! Part of me wants to laugh and say, "Yea, I was there!" But sadly...I have no clue what man you are talking about! This only makes me want to make sure I get the number of every guy that sits near you in church...Uhh, talk about creeper status?!