Sunday, July 12, 2015

" me feeling emotion."

My mom cried when she and my dad left the airport yesterday. They dropped me off in Jacksonville and she cried and I teared up and then we laughed because she has been doing that every Christmas and summer since I've lived in Vegas. Count them- 8... 8 years. 

Sometimes we just feel emotional and I have to be honest and say that teaching at Global for the last 2 years and working with students at church again while dealing with the the ups and downs of my own pits and depression has made this a stunningly interesting time. Like I can laugh and cry in the same sentence. Like I'm writing part of this on the plane, sitting next to a flight attendant in tears. (And also, I'm listening to the soundtrack of the "Cinderella" movie and I just cannot. It is beautiful.) 

Here's a few reasons why...

1. Yesterday in the JAX airport, I was in front of a family of Spanish speakers and I felt like I was at home. I'm sure they thought I had no clue what they were saying- jokes on you because I did! And sometimes I can't believe I have the privilege of just seeing and hearing people. I am so fascinated by other languages (and still often frustrated at the same time) that I sometimes stare and I don't mean to but I just love listening. What a gift to be able to know something in a language other than English. Thank you to my hilarious kids for helping me with this. In ways that you don't even know. 

2. I leave for Zambia on Wednesday and it will be my 6th time to the country. I am so excited to be with my lake family and work with those sweet kids whose faces plague my memory well. They change my perspective on so many things--- all. The.
Things. And their Godsend teachers he hi willingly love and trust Jesus for thei jobs daily. Oh- to give my kids to Jesus over and over. What a lesson to be learned. 

3. Packing and traveling is something I do often but it is stressful and I say that because many of you still believe I live with no cares in the entire universe. I am one of the most low maintenance travelers you will ever meet and I know that but flying and luggage and passports and shots and medicines. #stressedprobs

4. Lastly, I've been feeling all sorts of emotions over my self recently. I've written about it some previously but not much. After being at the beach for a few and judging everyone else, I've decided that I can be okay with my body. It is not pale thin and it never will be and I will have connect the dot freckles that will be astonishing to others. I'm okay with my hips being wide and sometimes feeling fat and sometimes not. That's just reality. I've worn almost the same size for almost 12 years so I feel like I can be quiet about it sometimes. 

And we should be quiet about a lot of things but that's a different post for a different day. 

That's all I have for now. All the feels. All the emotions of summer. They're baaaaacccck. -Melis

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