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Sunrise Mountain, eastern Las Vegas |
I was literally falling apart.
I know this is hard to believe but if you don't remember from before, I am
Last week was just emotional, lots of heartache, sad and hurt feelings, and a possible move of one of my absolute favorite kids of all time was my Friday. Needless to say, I was broken-hearted out the wazoo. I yelled at a student on Thursday because he interrupted me about 4 million times (so in reality, only about 40 times, which is still a lot-- FYI). After I yelled at him and I had calmed down, I was explaining to him why I was upset and told him that I wasn't mad at him, to which he replied, "I don't care if you're mad at me. I don't care."
So starting Friday was not exactly a joy ride for me. I was a wreck. And when I say wreck, that is possibly the biggest understatement of the week. I was a ballistic, sobbing mess covered up with fake smiles and sarcastic jokes. After finding out that one of my kids faced a huge decision for himself and his family over the weekend, I was just outright heartbroken. Like I'm staring at the computer to pretend my allergies and staring problems are causing my eyes to water. I cried after school in my room by myself. I went and talked to a couple of other teachers and cried again. I called Vanessa in the car and cried again. I got off the phone and just kept crying so I decided to have McDonald's sweet tea and U-Swirl frozen yogurt for dinner. (Clearly, I make healthy decisions in emotional states.) We were having a school dance, which I was so dreading because that made a one million hour work day. (I'm also very good at math in emotional states.)
I had to go to Target/Dollar Store to grab some glow sticks for the dance and then decided that I probably need a few other items while there (emotional buyer, anyone?) aka I bought half of a new outfit because I was now crying and sweating profusely, and then felt utterly dehydrated. (Am I the only one that is literally a HOT mess like this?) On the way to Target, I looked straight up Bonanza in eastern Las Vegas to Sunrise Mountain and God began calmly speaking to me. He knows that I'm crazy in the head when I'm that emotional and therefore will not listen to a whisper and will ignore a shout. So He just started bringing up all this stuff in my head while I'm staring at this colossal giant of rock. I keep thinking, what does any of that have to do with this? I don't know how God makes connections the way He does, maybe because He is the best teacher of all time.
I lived next to Sunrise Mountain for a year with RaeLynn and Katie. It was a crazy and busy year for all of us but it was a change that I had needed to start over in a few areas of my life. I had spent the year before that a messed-up, messy mess and RaeLynn had been the encouraging friend who had constantly invited me to go places with her and meet new people. Invitations to which I refused all the time but I knew that her invitations meant she cared. She continued that throughout the following year when we lived next to the mountain. During that first summer, I had spent 6 weeks in Africa, had been stuck in an airport in the Middle East for 24 hours, and had gotten some type of weird throat sickness. I had lost weight the year before because I was depressed and refused to eat really anything that had any nutritional value or supplement for me and because I had been in Africa for 6 weeks. The year in the Sunrise Mountain house had allowed me to re-enter teaching with a best friend next door at school, while also rebuilding friendships because I had very few at that point. That year was an incredible restoring point that has followed me until now and so as God was speaking to me about the mountain. He reminded me that He can move a mountain whenever He so chooses but He sometimes leaves them there so I can trust Him more because He loves me enough to be patient with me while still chasing and healing my aching heart. That year moved a few mountains for me, with many more to come after, but it was fresh beginning. It was a redemptive act. It was nothing besides love.
God dearly loves to redeem my mountains. He walks me up and around, He hoists me to the top and lets me leave my baggage there, and then as I walk toward the valley, He walks ahead of me and sometimes carries me when I just do not have the courage or strength to do it anymore. He pushes me up the next mountain and walks beside me reminding me that He is with me and will not leave me. He leads when I ask him to. He is faithful to walk behind when I'm stubborn to run in front.
Today, I received a note that talked about how much this person wanted to give up but felt that "God keeps pushing me forward." I cried when I read that because I know how much I fight God sometimes to choose to give up and He keeps on and does not let up.
Praying that He uses your mountain(s) to remind you of how dearly you are loved beyond comparison, how much He desires to use you where you are, and that even when you give up and run back down the mountain, He gathers you and throws you on His shoulders so you can also see what's up ahead.
I get it. You're not alone. -Melissa
Hello Melissa. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to stop by your blog "Finding myself Restored" and the post on it "My mountain". How day to day's experience practically impact our lives positively or negatively depending on how we take them. God can let the mountain of your life fall flat or He can still keep it but keeps us pushing forward. Thank you for those very enriching insights through your life's experiences. Well let me share with you an opportunity you can avail of coming to Mumbai, India on a short/ long term missions trip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai amongst poorest of poor to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them new life. I am in the Pastoral ministry for last 34 yrs in this city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short / long term missions trip to work with us during their summer time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai, India with your friends to work with us during your summer vacation. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede