Go figure that the first day I choose to go without social media, I have a virus. A short one. But I let my boss and the school know I'm not coming. I check in with my mom. Watch a few movies and sleep A LOT. Chandler, the best, brought me soup from Panera. Let's just say she was the only person I saw all day because I didn't know what anyone was doing because I couldn't check Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Oh and I couldn't pin anything.
Score: Social media: 0 Melissa: 1
Day 2:
I return to work to find out my coworkers considered whether I was being held hostage in my apartment or if I was really sick. I NEVER call in sick. The coincidences of my no social media rule and my sickness caused some really funny reactions at school. However, I cannot at this point doubt for a second that the people I work with truly and honestly care about me. I am so glad for this. You have no idea. I also had 2 finals to write and Refuge to be at so I didn't have a whole lot of extra time. Also, I actually talked to people because I didn't just miraculously think I knew what was going on in their lives.
Realization: to belong is one of the beautiful things on the planet.
Score: Social media: 0 Melissa: 2
Day 3:
Today has been wild. Yesterday, my last class was like taming a small circus. Today, my 5th period was a zoo, yours truly the zoo keeper. I flipped out. My 6th period was silent when they walked in because they had already been warned in a matter of 1-2 minutes. I told them at the beginning of the year, "This girl don't play." I think they might believe me now. I left school with 1 final still to complete but in a much better mood and lots of grading to do. I have already apologized to my students for neglecting them this year because I have been so busy. I have much higher expectations for the upcoming semester. I came home and fixed my lunch for tomorrow....!!! Can we just pause to discuss how crazy this is? I'm more likely to forget my lunch than pack it early! Monumental moment. Unfortunately, while looking for something on the Internet for school on my phone, I opened Instagram but immediately closed it as if the social media guards are watching and waiting to slap my phone out of my hands. I like this freedom. And I got to sit and plan and talk with Vanessa and RaeLynn without worrying about how many people liked my Instagram pictures. That, my sweet addicted frriends, is some kind of wonderful.
Score: social media: .25 Melissa: 2.75
Day 4:
To say that today has been a piece of cake has been a lie. It has been a glorious Friday but a long one-- long as in 12 hours at school. (Insert tears) It wasn't terrible, but it is hard facing a long school day at the end of the week. With that being said, I had no time for social media. And I had a wonderful dinner with Chandler-- I just adore her. She is like my little sister and we usually have serious part 1 and outrageously ridiculous part 2.
Score: social media: .25 Melissa: 3.75
Day 5:
Pretty sure today would trip me up but thanks to a 6 hour class, a clean apartment, a movie, some reading, homework and a 3 hour nap-- it didn't. Take that social media!! I give myself 5 extra points for today.
Score: social media: .25 Melissa 9.75