Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My overdramatic list of the top 5 things every driver in Las Vegas should know

The following is a running list of things I've learned from driving in Las Vegas. This is, of course, over dramatic and sarcastic. I apologize in advance to the few of you left who think I'm the nicest person on the planet. Also, this is my out right confession that I'm the queen of road rage. There-- said and done. Here goes...

1. Orange cones are actually an indication that there is a road that ends and you're going to drive off a cliff, the city of Las Vegas has created an obstacle course for us to enjoy, or that absolutely no one is working there.
2. Your music isn't loud enough if the bass doesn't make all the cars at the same traffic light shake; almost as if there's a small scale earthquake.
3. The left lane is for passing must be a southern rule. In las Vegas, the left lane is for people who are angry at those going the speed limit and for those going the speed limit to make other people angry.
4. If there is a traffic, you can assume there is a wreck and all lanes of traffic are news reporters needing to record what is taking place or that someone can't merge (see the following).
5. "Merge" is a Latin word that means wait until the last minute to get in the correct lane and almost run over the other cars driving at a normal speed because you're going 20 under the speed limit.

Hope you enjoyed this list more than I do driving in it :) happy Wednesday! -Melis

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