Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Running Red Lights

Sunday morning, I took the usual route to church. I was going to the earlier service so maybe that's what threw me off. Either way, I completely ran a traffic light that was red and by red, I mean everyone from my direction had stopped and I clearly missed the memo. Gracious Jesus-- there was nothing coming from a different direction and I was completely okay in every way that I could be safe but the fact that I completely missed it made me think.

What exactly was I doing that would make me so distracted? I'm normally doing a million things at once and can handle stopping at a light, but I just didn't. I read in some article a while back where they suggest you drive a different way to work every once in a while so you're fully conscious and fully aware of what you are doing. We usually don't make time to do such things so we rush out and run red lights because as a friend of my family used to say, "You've seen one. You've seen them all."

The question is really not which way do you drive to work or how many red or yellow lights do you run a day, it's really are you aware of what's going on in your life?? We have desensitized to the world an often just ignore things that should plague our hearts and minds. Because we have seen these movies and shows so many times, we act as if it doesn't affect us but it does in way that we do not notice immediately.

I encourage you- take a different route. Be conscious. You could be missing an opportunity that you wouldn't get otherwise because we are so used to our routine! You're not in this alone! I'm with ya! -Melis

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