Thursday, July 7, 2011


"Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared." -Proverbs 3:25-26

Last night, I was tired and then I wasn't tired... I felt amazing, I felt horrible... it was just one of those things that just happens to me often. I am pretty easy-going (most of the time) and am not usually high maintenance (again, most of the time)... or maybe I say "most of the time" because I know who I am in front of people and how easy it is to pretend to be someone else that I'm actually not. (That was just a sidenote.) Anyways... when I have moments like this... I think a little too much about EVERYTHING. As in... I overanalyze EVERYTHING... so I was thinking about what I'm doing this weekend and what I know and what I don't know and I just think it to pieces... oh yeah... and I forgot to mention that Bank of America decided to deactivate my debit card.. that made me freak out a little... and I could go on and on of things that I overthink but I won't bore you to death (maybe just partially). So I'm laying there, freezing FYI, its a million below zero here at night, or it feels like it.... thinking and thinking and God just said to me, "How about you act a little more ridiculous and overdramatic?" And then, I thought, "Thanks for the invitation! At least I know we're on the same page! :) " (That smiley face is there to indicate that I smiled at God when I thought that, just so you know.) But really, I just told myself... stop being so crazy and actually open your Bible and read there.... a much better place to start than typing smiley faces at God, right?

I'm reading through the Old Testament and am just beginning 2 Kings and am continually shocked at the things that happened to people in the Old Testament... boys are walking down the road, they mock and make fun of a prophet and he calls down a curse and bears come out of the forest and maul them... really? Just catches you a little off guard, even if you've read it before! So that obviously made me pray against wild animals and their attacks but it didn't really speak to the matter of my heart... except it did remind me that God is so in control of all things! What a wild story to remind me of that, right? I have had Psalm 67 on my heart this week so I read that and 66 as well... that's good stuff and then just kept feeling like I needed to read Proverbs 4... I know that I need to guard my heart and I just need to read it again to remind myself. I read that and then went backwards (I know that absolutely makes no sense... but then again, a lot of my thought processes don't.). I read Proverbs 3 and just stopped at the verses that I've printed above. God will be confidence? My security? My protector and shield? That's the promise I read there! I am insecure, sometimes so much so, that I am literally falling apart at the seams and I have hope! God will be my confidence! I don't have to worry about all of these small things because God loves the details of my life and is in control. I don't have to worry about the big things because God is taking care of and loving all the people on the planet and He still takes time to speak clearly to me! This was good news... a God of hope, love, and peace. I needed that. Maybe you need that?

May you rest in the fact that God is so in control... He loves the small and big things in your life... and He loves you enough to be your confidence and security. May you sleep well in that, may you walk well in that, and really, may you love well in that. Praying for the way that God is speaking to you!

"Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life; don't for a minute lose sight of them. They'll keep your soul alive and well... No need to panic over life's alarms or surprises, or predictions that doomsday's around the corner, Because God will be right there with you; he'll keep you safe and sound." -Proverbs 3:21, 25-26 (The Message paraphrase)

Confident that He is it! -Melis

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa, read your post and thought about this video...

    They mention that self confidence is of supreme importance, but I've found lately that I don't have to be self confident, when I can be confident in Him. Trust you have a blessed weekend...

