The other day, each of the students in my class gave a presentation. Some lasted 3 minutes, some lasted 3 seconds, the whole point was to make them stand up and feel safe for a short time and so it's something they get used to. Each of the presentations was done with a piece of paper that they created with pictures and words that described them so each was very different and some of them were hilarious. At the end of 1st and 2nd period, they had time so I let them ask me questions. Now keep in mind, my 1st period is EXTREMELY nosey and I mean that. My 2nd period hasn't been to this point but this allowed them to be so they were really excited. My 1st period asked some of the following questions:
1. Are you married yet? (They have ask me this every single day this past week.)
A: No, I haven't been all week, why would I have last night?
2. Do you want a puppy? I can give you my sister's.
A: No, I don't want animals.
3. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?
A: On a date? Clearly Jude Law. Just to ask questions, Lil Wayne, his influence is ridiculous.
4. If you could have any car, what kind it would be?
A: Love the new Mustangs, but would prefer just to have a normal car. (The boys were dissappointed.)
5. Who do you like better- Trey Songz or Lil Wayne?
A: I don't know enough of Trey Songz to make a judgement and Lil Wayne is too explicit.
....and so on.
2nd Period
1. What are your favorite things to do?
A: Sleep, eat, read, etc. (I don't even remember what else I said.)
2. Are you single?
A: Yes.
(At some point, one of the boys mentioned that he had a brother that was 25 but it was kind of ignored.)
3. How old are you?
A: How old do you think I am? (Answers have honestly varied from 16 or 18 to 35.) I am 24. (Some got pretty close.) I will be 25 in November.
Student: My brother is 25! I'm telling him about you. (He was very excited. What exactly do you tell your brother in this situation? "Oh, yeah, my teacher is almost the same age as you and you should ask her out."?)
4. What do you look for in a guy?
A: How honest do you want me to be? (Very.) Good looking, makes me feel secure, etc.
Student: I think I need to get in trouble. I need a parent-teacher conference.
(I just laugh.)
Me: Okay... (very hesitant)
I must share that... this made me laugh for the entire day and also, that this student has a lot of good connections to a lot of my previous students or I would be like oh geez. I must also tell you that the next day, he was sitting in class doing his work and I was monitoring and working on something and he made sure to remember to tell me that he told his brother about me. What did he say? That's a good question, I'm almost scared to know! When I find out, I'll post the conversation here! Have a laugh and sorry to be so lengthy!
Nice! We've been through this before Melissa! I'm speechless...! jkjk Are you sure he has a brother?! jkjk He could be talking ab an imaginary friend! (scary!)