Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back to Civilization...

Our team has been in Lake Tanganyika for the last 10 days and it has been quite the journey... Since I'm so good at lists, I'll just make one and I can elaborate on it when my internet moves faster than it is right now...

1. Nsumbu, Tongwa, Nzovwe-- no electricity, no running water, no toilet (unless you consider a hole in the ground one-- just fyi, it's not), bathing in the lake, and other necessities.
2. Playing with kids- a lot of them. I've never been so convinced that I want to adopt in my life.
3. Experience... a lot of it. I'll have to share later because I have to leave the internet cafe now, unfortunately. I'll write soon!

1 comment:

  1. haha; well someone is having fun.! other than the 'toilet' situation. lol. cant wait 'til you come back.! :)
