1. Yesterday, we were getting ready to drive back to Pretoria but the car broke down the day before, so we flew back, you have no idea what a blessing that was... 2 hours in comparison to 12 at least in a car... thank you, thank you.
2. The dancing continued throughout our time in the villages, the "muzungu's" (a Bemba word for foreigner) showed out to say the least and we had quite a few friends because of that.
3. Rap music and Cecilia and Franny--- I miss you dearly... can't wait for 97.5.
4. I have had some good food since we've been back to civilization-- chocolate, chicken, pizza. Jason's Deli and plenty of ice cream- come quickly.
5. I don't think that I've worn the same shirt so many times within weeks, I can't wait for my closet.
6. Sleep, sleep, sleep... need more but got some.
7. The Bachelorette-- who proposed seriously?
8. Alicia learned a new way to pedicure... rocks... back to the cave days I'm telling you...
Other things that I just am thinking of currently-
-Dream, you better still have a job.
-Ice cream Sundaes-- please girls.
-Engagements in the Geography department-- this could be the year!
The End-- See you soon or talk to you very soon! Love you all! -Melis