This applies to all social media. For the last (seems like forever) few months, all we've heard areall the things the other politicians have lied about. Words are twisted and construed. Sentences and phrases that had nothing to do with the topic are pulled out and placed in hate ads against the opposite party. Groups and interest groups pay to have advertisements in every arena of the public to remind you as to why you don't like the other party.
Christians are on both sides. There are Christian Democrats and Christian Republicans. (and no I don't want to hear your opinion on this) Both sides have gotten awfully ugly. Shamefully so, even (or maybe especially) among Christians. It's not that I think you shouldn't voice your opinions or share your beliefs because that is not always the case. However, I think it's a shame that we as Christians have bought into the lies of campaign ads. Instead of just choosing or not choosing a candidate or choosing or not choosing an issue, we jump into the hateful nonsense that blocks my Facebook feeds from stalking anyone sensible (in this case- it seems that 14 year olds have become more sensible). Thank God it hasn't completely ruined my Pinterest account or I just may put together a five page manual on why we should become a one party system so we don't have choices anymore (Before you gasp and unfriend me from all social media and call me a Communist, I am totally kidding about this you crazies). We have become horrific in our words and put stuff (pictures and words) on our social media that we would never say out loud and we would definitely not say to either candidate's face. (Stop mumbling under your breath about this.) I'm not saying that we can never say anything to support a candidate we believe in and are supportive of. You obviously have the freedom to exercise that right. What I am saying is to be careful with your words (myself included) because people who are not Believers are reading them and wondering how different we really are... which is a great place to ask ourselves, are we really different? Does my life look like a non-Believer or has Jesus made a change in me? You can talk about God all you want but it doesn't mean that your life truly reflects Jesus and unfortunately in this day and age of social media and our inconsideration and willingness to offend any and everyone, we have forgotten how badly our words do hurt others and maybe even turn others the wrong way. (I'm also not opposed to offending people every once in a while obviously.) I'm not saying who you should vote for because that's not where I'm at but I am saying consider others as you are writing the things you are in a public forum where others see it no matter who you support. Done- Melis
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