So interesting in reading through the Old Testament what I have learned. No, it was not expected. Yes, I like history. Did it happen that I learned something? Oh completely on purpose. In reading Genesis, it was the constant beckon of how faithful God is to His people and while this continues on in Exodus and Leviticus (I only have a couple of more chapters to read!), it is very clear as God begins to create, be still, heal, restore, redeem, mend the broken, and through all of that make Himself known through His people and His activity in the world. Good stuff.
In reading Exodus, I realized that there was a lot of it that I have read before and quite a bit that I have never paid attention to. Yet, the one thing that was consistent throughout the entire book, it was.... that God is into details. God is not a big God who never looks down and sees His people struggling, hurting, or heartbroken. He is the God who sees all, or "El Roi." I think that clearly shows how faithful God is, as well as how much He loves every single, small piece of who we are. He loves that I have brown hair and brown eyes, and the crazy thoughts that He often places in my head. He also desires that the smallest details, in the smallest places, where I often do not glorify Him.... that He be glorified even in those details, even in the places I don't see. It is proof that God is in to detail as He gives instruction on building the temple, even up to the point of saying how stitches the curtains should be and what color and so on. He demonstrates this in talking about sacrifices... which side should the blood be spilled on? which animal should be used for sacrifice? Who should make the sacrifice?
And then onto Leviticus... the one book that is probably made fun of more than any other book in the Bible has so much Truth to offer. Yes, God continues to be specific and YES, God continues to pursue the details of His children and their lives. When you begin to read the book though, He talks about the "aroma" that is pleasing to Him. In reading this and describing what I'm learning to someone whom I would consider a mentor, she pointed out that not only am I to have an aroma that is pleasing to the Lord, but an aroma that would attract those around me to Him. I hadn't even thought that far yet! Yet, He so desires that for me!
And in all of this, He has been teaching me so much about obedience. He has shown me time and time again that His faithfulness produces obedience in my life and because of that when I am obedient, He continues to be faithful and it continues a safe, wonderful spiral. I am obedient, He is faithful, He demands more obedience and continues to show Himself faithful. How good and how God of Him to show those things to me. May you bask in His faithfulness today and may that demand obedience in areas of your life that you never even realized He wanted obedience from! He is into the details of who you are and who He is creating you to be... now choose to walk in Him! Learning to love more and more... Him, You, Me...
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