I thought of titling this blog, "An Open Letter to President Trump" but I changed my mind. I may change it again by the end of this blog.
I think it's amazing how outraged so many of us are at the moment about those who chose to kneel during the National Anthem in NFL games this past weekend. To prove a point. To peaceably assemble. (Now don't start reading here and get mad.... read the rest too.)
But can you go back with me for a minute? Can we rewind for a second?
Let's go back to President Donald Trump's speech last week in Alabama and pause there...
What about the part where he called NFL players who don't stand for the Anthem a name that I do not allow my students to say in classroom.
You know...The opposite of daughters followed by the name for female dogs.
Let's rethink (be honest with yourself)-- who's being disrespectful here? The President of the US just called American citizens a name that is not generally said in a professional or public setting, unless you are watching a TV show that is graded above PG.
It's amazing that when I was looking into this speech, President Trump also said,
"I believe the best path to a more peaceful world are proud, independent and sovereign nations that serve and respect their own people. When you look at what's going on in the world, you have so many where they don't respect their people. But we want nations that cooperate together to create better for all people."
Respect their own people, huh? What about those NFL players who are American citizens, as I previously mentioned? Do they get to be respected or is this just a pick and choose game? That's what I would like to know.
I have been astonished at the lack of respect displayed by the president. And I get that not standing for the National Anthem can seem disrespectful. I also want you to know that in my classroom where we say the Pledge of Allegiance every day, I cannot FORCE a student to say the pledge. Just like an NFL coach cannot FORCE a player to stand for the National Anthem.
But for many of us who love America and who love the things that make us patriotic (flag, anthem, etc.), we also love that we are a democracy and that every one of us is entitled to certain freedoms as Americans. I'm not sure if you remember that thing called the Constitution?
First Amendment guarantees:
-Freedom of speech
-Freedom of assembly
-Freedom of press
-Freedom of religion
-Right to petition
And let's not forget the oath the president takes when he or she becomes president...
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States; and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the United States.”
Just want to put this out there because Trump just got away with talking in a way that is inappropriate and now people are mad at the NFL.
This is not a choose sides thing. It's a win for all thing. We're all Americans and as so, we treat others with respect and speak with respect when we realize the responsibility and weight of the positions we hold.
It's not us v. them. It's a we and we thing. That's really what America is about. WE all hold each other accountable to treat everyone as we should be treated and demand that the people who represent us in our government do the same.
And to those of you who say, he can say that-- he can say what he wants. So can NFL players. And so can the kids in my classroom and that's getting us literally nowhere. Try again.
This is not a debate... just want us to think things through as we get hot headed, rather than just assuming the worst all the time.
What's that line in the National Anthem again?
"O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave"
Happy Wednesday! Melis