I realize that somewhere along the line you have broken and re-created all the rules to fit yourself. While I applaud your efforts to take care of yourself and not care what others think, you have crossed the line.
Today, when I was on the plane, I know you thought you were the only mother with a screaming child and so you used the portable DVD player to play a movie out loud rather than putting headphones on your child. I realize how difficult it must be to keep your child calm but please be mindful of the elderly man sitting nearby who really needs to sleep while your child is watching an action movie turned all the way up. Also, I realize you believe I have no input because I, myself, am not a biological mother but I work with kids everyday and sometimes I'm mom to them. I think about what it would be like to make sure they were comfortable. Therefore, I do understand your plight but hope that you will take a moment to think about how comfortable (or uncomfortable) you are allowing the people around you to be.
To the college boy behind me in line at Panda Express- I don't know who you think you are talking to whoever you were talking to like that. But it's rude. If it was a parent who is paying for a room at your destination, I kind of hope you don't sleep the whole week because you regret the way you treated the person who has taken care of you your whole life. Oh it wasn't your parents-- honestly, have some respect for yourself and talk to people as if they are humans, not people who are below you on your invisible scale.
To the kids in lines everywhere who keep talking back to the adults you're with, please get on your knees daily and thank God you don't have me or anyone like me as a teacher. And furthermore, in anguish, thank God that you don't have us as parents because the consequences would be more than just a dirty look that you already got from me anyways. I have nothing else to say about that.
To the people who yell at people or look down on people who don't speak English (or don't speak English well)-- Please stop. And also stop making assumptions based on their accent or the way they look. Those are my kids and their families and they are respectful and kind and most of them are working hard and going to school. And if you have a major problem with it-- next time you go to another country, don't speak English at all because you should learn their language the first day like you expect people in America to.
And to those of you that still think you are always better than everyone else?? I have three words for you-- NO ONE CARES. You're not and you're not the exception while everyone else is the rule. Your ridicule and mistreatment of people is annoying and I'm really over it.
Also, I don't feel good and I'm in the airport waiting impatiently and it seemed like a good time to rant a bit. I haven't done this in a while. I wish to somewhat apologize for my tone but also wish to get my point across and let this serve as a reminder to myself that it is not about me. Nor is it you.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Melissa