I was overwhelmed with God's goodness, His faithfulness to me, His sufficiency, His unwavering love for me and for the world we live in, His generosity and willingness to give. I was overwhelmed with the amount of books I read, the poverty that I saw and experienced and the goodness that is left in people by His grace. I was overwhelmed with the willingess of people to be real, vulnerable, genuine, and authentic. I was overwhelmed with how much we consume in America, how little we actually need and how simple life could be if we really wanted it to be. I was overwhelmed with the lack of concern of time and my overconcern for time and my very little ability to bend to other's expectations. Those are just a few things but I thought
Being in Africa was completely overwhelming for me and I hope to explain more of that in detail in the future. Much love and peace to you on this journey of loving Jesus.
The picture is Andrew, one of the cutest 3rd graders I met at Nakoli Community School in Kabwe, Zambia. Tell me this smile doesn't just take your heart away :)